[RFI] water softner

Alan NV8A nv8a at charter.net
Thu Nov 24 02:16:02 PST 2011

On 11/24/11 04:55 am, myles landstein wrote:
> hi
> I have to replace my nice rf quit   water softner with a new one, was most likely considering  something from Sears
> does anyone know   if they are RFI   'quiet'??   Any other  brands  RFI  good/bad   I should be  aware of?
> thanks

It's never occurred to me to check our water softener for RFI. It's a 
WaterBoss 700 and seems to do a good job on the water; the wall wart is 
a transformer type rather than a switching p/s.


Alan NV8A

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