[RFI] wide band noise

George ve3yv at pathcom.com
Wed Nov 30 12:38:35 PST 2011

Bob - call the hospital switchboard and ask to speak with the director of
engineering.  He/she is the person that worries about electrical problems
(and probably also renews the licenses for the hospital RF -based systems)
in addition to all of the other physical plant systems.  They're usually
very nice people to deal with if approached in a positive,
non-confrontational manner, explaining your observations and your
speculation as to what the cause may be. They should be receptive as after
all, their job is to make sure that all systems are safe and operational -
noise is often a precursor to failure and interference potential to other
sensitive medical equipment (why cell phones, etc aren't allowed).  They are
also very busy, so offering to meet at a time convenient to them and help
sniff the problem out may be welcome.  As it might be an elevator, they
probably have an external party maintaining them, so it could require them
to do some coordination.  Whatever, don't decide to visit the hospital and
investigate on your own.  Also, citing interference with ham radio as why
you're concerned when they're in a life saving environment isn't going to be
very effective either.  


73,  George  VE3YV / K8HI

-----Original Message-----

Message: 1
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 23:08:19 -0500
From: k3djc Riese <bobk3djc at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [RFI] wde band noise
To: KD7JYK DM09 <kd7jyk at earthlink.net>
Cc: RFI at contesting.com
	<CADMsckpQ_=Sm1k33zAyx6v6cX3_pqHyt=TGEq=5Smq+fdJHDXA at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

OK the LF list allows a 20 K attachment and folk send small Jpg of QRSS
capture this noise I suspect is from a Flat screen TV abd has pretty well
moved out of the frequency,, perhaps the set ? burned up the other are
really annoying noise is from a switcher at the local hospital that is only
there for 30 + seconds,, never long enough to get a bearing. Because of how
it acts I believe it may be the controller for an elevator no Idea how to
approach the hospital maintenance (#*%(#


On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 8:34 PM, KD7JYK DM09 <kd7jyk at earthlink.net> wrote:

> I doubt the list permits attachments, most don't to prevent the 
> propagation of viruses.  As for the file size, 11 KHz monaural for 
> thirty seconds is usually more than adequate to ID a signal and is 
> around 100 KB.  You could make a small recording, then provide to those
who request it for ID.
> Kurt
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "k3djc Riese" <bobk3djc at gmail.com>
> : so that would be a big file and I can send it through the reflector  ??

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