[RFI] RFI publications (Magazines)?
Hare, Ed W1RFI
w1rfi at arrl.org
Thu Sep 8 06:45:19 PDT 2011
Hams with suspected power line noise may want to read:
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Ed Hare, W1RFI
ARRL Laboratory Manager
225 Main St
Newington, CT 06111
Tel: 860-594-0318
Email: W1RFI at arrl.org
From: Dale Svetanoff [mailto:svetanoff at earthlink.net]
Sent: Wed 8/24/2011 4:42 PM
To: Frank N. Haas KB4T; rfi at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] RFI publications (Magazines)?
I must admit that no, I am not aware of any specific periodicals as you
request. However, for whatever it may be worth, I do have a few
1. The IEEE EMC Society has chapters around the US and around the world
that serve as resources for those EMC engineers in the areas served by the
chapters. I was an active participant in the Chicago chapter for more than
10 years and felt that it was a tremendous help to me in learning practical
day-to-day techniques and concepts for EMC design and mitigation.
You can go to the IEEE EMC-S website here: http://www.emcs.org/ You'll
find active links to local chapters on the left side of the page. There
are 2 chapters in Florida - one each in Melbourne and Niceville. I would
suggest contacting the persons listed for each chapter to learn details of
chapter meetings and what they do at those meetings. Each chapter is
different. I can tell you that the reason I got so much from the Chicago
chapter was that we not only had excellent speakers do presentations (both
from within the group and outside), but we also had "Tales from the
Trenches" sessions - where you really got the "dirty low-down" info. You
do not have to be an IEEE member to attend chapter meetings, although
membership is encouraged.
2. You have probably seen postings on this reflector from Mike Martin of
RFI Services. Mike works with various utility companies in training their
personnel for RFI-locating techniques. He did a session here in Cedar
Rapids a few years ago that was well-received, and even threw in a special
version for the local hams. Of course, there are other "from the trenches"
tales often related on this reflector, and I regard it as a valuable
information source on this topic.
3. There is an industry rag called ":Interference Technology" that is
dedicated to EMI/RFI issues, but nothing specific to tracking down RFI as
such. This is also true for several other electronic industry trade pubs,
many of which I subscribe to, and which often have EMI-related articles
within. Again, I can't say I've seen much specific to RFI hunting.
I don't know if any of the above helps, but it's what I know for now. I
don't know if you knew last year, but the 2010 IEEE EMC Symposium was held
in Ft. Lauderdale in late July. I was there and perhaps you were, too.
Also in attendance was Ed Hare, W1RFI, from ARRL, with whom I had several
interesting discussions. The Symposium locations rotate around each year
(this year having been held in Long Beach, CA), so it might be awhile
before another one is held in your area.
Best luck and many thanks for your informative postings.
73, Dale
> [Original Message]
> From: Frank N. Haas KB4T <utility.rfi.pro at gmail.com>
> To: <rfi at contesting.com>
> Date: 8/23/2011 11:27:00
> Subject: [RFI] RFI publications (Magazines)?
> Are there any regular monthly or quarterly periodicals that cater to
> the RFI Location and Mitigation industry??
> Frank N Haas KB4T
> Utility Interference Investigator
> --
> Frank N. Haas KB4T
> Utility Interference Investigator
> Florida
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