[RFI] RFI issues in electric (or hybrid) vehicles

Cortland Richmond ka5s at earthlink.net
Tue Apr 10 21:43:18 PDT 2012

More FWIW; I got nearly 50 mpg HWY with a 1987 Chevy Sprint 5 door and 
better than 35 mph in town.  However... "town" was North Andover MA, 
later Fort Worth TX, not exactly NYC stop-start driving.  No noticeable 
EME from all the radios, either.


On 4/11/2012 0026, Roger (K8RI) wrote:
> On 4/10/2012 11:27 PM, Dale Svetanoff wrote:
> ... Now that there are cars that get comparable mileage that are not 
> hybrids it's unlikely we'll get another and sales of all hybrids are 
> dropping off substantially. OTOH if they get to $5 and $6 a gallon 
> there may be a resurgence. The gas engine runs part time. Usually we 
> can back out of the garage and be about half way to the road before 
> the engine starts. IE we can get about 50 feet before it starts. When 
> you stop at a stop light the engine will also shut down. It will also 
> stop if you get stuck in traffic. In Europe the same cars have a 
> button on the dash that lets you switch to all electric.

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