[RFI] Line noise KUB Knoxville

Patrick wa4tuk-rf at comcast.net
Sun Apr 15 18:40:02 PDT 2012


I've got a handheld Icom T-8 that will do air band in AM also my Kenwood 
mobile rig receives AM air band; however, I don't have access to all of 
the line.  A lot of the line (in fact probably half of the newly 
reworked section) runs up from the road and behind people's houses where 
I would be trespassing.


On 4/15/2012 7:49 PM, Scott Yost wrote:
> Pat,
> My go-to tracking radio had always been a Pilot Pal portable. 
> Link below:
> http://www.radiomuseum.org/r/novatech_pilot_pal.html
> The ferrite antenna rotated and could be easily employed to track down an arc, using the radio's S-meter and gain control.  This radio was made for DF'ing. 
> Various models were produced.  All covered LW, and the BCB, plus one other band.  For that 3rd band, some tuned up to about 6 Mhz; others the CB band, and another model the VHF aircraft band.  
> Until my current
> HF frequency-specific arc (which I believe I have finally localized using
> an HFDF unit from National RF), it had never let me down in tracking a power line arc. 
> Scott
> NM8R
> ________________________________
>   From: dalej<dj2001x at comcast.net>
> To: Patrick<wa4tuk-rf at comcast.net>
> Cc: rfi at contesting.com
> Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2012 5:25 PM
> Subject: Re: [RFI] Line noise KUB Knoxville
> If it's that strong, it's most likely close to your house.  Walk the power lines with a radio that can tune to the air band, in AM mode.  You may find it and to a pole.  Then contact the power company.  They are obligated to correct this if it is one of their power lines or components. You also might walk around after dark and look for arcing hardware. 
> Good luck.
> Dale, k9vuj
> On 15, Apr 2012, at 15:50, Patrick wrote:
>> All:
>> Just starting in the past few days I've got an S9 plus 20db buzz that is
>> easily heard on a AM car radio over a half mile or more that
>> unfortunately peaks near my home.  It completely wiped out a local
>> station on 670kHz as I returned home yesterday.
>> The local lines and poles were replaced just a few months ago by Pike
>> because of the age of the poles and frequent power outages. Not because
>> of any complaint from me.  I did think I'd be relatively free of noise
>> for a while, so go figure.
>> I've pulled the main feed to the house and heard no change.
>> I can do a pretty decent job of nulling the noise with an MFJ-1026 and
>> my opinion is that I'm hearing a single source.
>> I intend to wait until we get some rain to see what may happen. It's
>> dusty dry here at present. One more clue.
>> I used to know some of the radio guys at KUB but they have all retired
>> and I dread making the call to them. I expect to be sent to the
>> department dealing with wireless meter complaints and other cranks.
>> Do any of you have any contacts at KUB or perhaps know what the name
>> might be of the internal department that handles RFI trouble?
>> Pat
>> wa4tuk
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