[RFI] RFI issues in electric (or hybrid) vehicles

KD7JYK DM09 kd7jyk at earthlink.net
Mon Apr 16 12:07:02 PDT 2012

"As regards the early Toyota engine control modules: yes, the Camry, in 
particular, got a big "black eye" in the early 90's (as I recall) with hams 
who installed mobile rigs and found that more than 10 watts of on-board RF 
would blow out those modules.  Worse yet, I think"

No problems with the '91 4Runner.  I ran 100W regularly on HF and there was 
enough induction in the wiring of the tuck to cause the lights in the cab to 
glow when I keyed up.  No problems to the ECU or rear door controller 
running or parked.  '86 Celica, 6m, 144 MHz and 440 MHz, 50W, no problems 
there either.


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