[RFI] MFJ-856

KD7JYK DM09 kd7jyk at earthlink.net
Sun Apr 22 19:52:42 PDT 2012

: However, the MFJ-856 has a signal-strength meter, and the 3-el antenna
: boom length (with the rcvr on it) may be easier to manage/handle than
: what I've been using for nearly a decade.

>From my experience and the experience of three other Hams, in the city,
where noise is relatively everywhere, it is useless.  Readings are the same
pointing at a source, the ground or the sky when tracking down power line 
noise.  The unit we used is now on a shelf, the parts used for other 

Out in the field where you may have only one noise source and you are a
large fraction of a mile away, it might be OK.


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