[RFI] HDTV: Plasma vs LCD

Alan NV8A nv8a at charter.net
Thu Dec 20 17:57:17 EST 2012

On 12/20/12 05:44 pm, Kimberly Elmore wrote:
> I've read many reports if severe RFI from plasma TVs. It's about time for us to
> upgrade form our old NTSC Sony to something better. The plasma screens seem to
> be less expensive for a given picture quality, but I'll not have one near the
> place if they are common RFI headaches. If course, it's impossible to find out
> anything from the manufacturer's sites, so what says the collective wisdom of
> this esteemed group? Are the plasma TVs as bad as ever? Or worse?

Not that I've been looking recently, but I thought that most flat-screen 
TVs these days were either LCD (on the way out, I think) or LED; I 
haven't noticed Plasma TVs for a looong time.


Alan NV8A

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