[RFI] HDTV: Plasma vs LCD

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Fri Dec 21 13:23:34 EST 2012

On 12/20/2012 9:10 PM, KD7JYK DM09 wrote:
> Regardless of who you operate and where, point your beam at their TV until
> they dispose of it.

I should repeat my reminder that, in today's world, nearly all instances 
of RFI to consumer equipment is caused by Pin One Problems, NOT by 
conventional differential coupling into radio circuits.  So if you 
managed to excite these design errors, the most likely result would be 
audio detected by the equipment in their home A/V system, NOT the TV.  
The listener would hear key clicks, AM-detected SSB, etc.  If it did 
happen to get into the TV, it would almost certainly be by a Pin One 
Problem, and the symptom would be breakup of the digital signal.  But I 
would expect the audio issues to dominate.

73, Jim K9YC

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