[RFI] Radar Engineers RFI Analyzers

KD7JYK DM09 kd7jyk at earthlink.net
Wed Dec 26 02:03:49 EST 2012

"Prices for their products are very high."

More than my two trucks, a car and trailer combined.  They think their stuff
is either filled with gold or heroin.  When I commented on the prices, they
said, "power companies can afford it", I responded, "yeah, but why f--k
them, just because you can?  I've seen your stuff, the whole set's barely
worth $500 retail, the best part of them is the case".  No answer.

I do just as well and piss of the "specialists" at the power company with
about $30 in surplus equipment.

You want something comparable to their equipment?  Get some 99 cent 300 MHz
AM receiver boards off ebay and homebrew a 300 MHz Yagi for a couple bucks.
That covers the RDF unit.

A "sniffer"?  A LW receiver from the $tore, they suck at LW, but work as
well as the RE sniffer.


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