[RFI] Interference
kd7jyk at earthlink.net
Tue Jan 17 20:57:44 PST 2012
: and I certainly wasn't going to break into a house
: empty or not to try to turn off breakers to see if I could find it
One big breaker, and probably all the rest at the drop. If the owner who
was never around happened to never see you not breaking into the vacant
place, but by some miracle showed up in that particular 10 second window at
0300, you could mention the constant arcing sound and burning electrical
smell coming from his house. It's unlikely he is capable of understanding
that the arcing is heard on an RF receiver and you'd be safe to assume that
an arcing transformer has an odor, so don't bother confusing the owner by
adding superfluous details. He'll probably thank you and leave it off until
he has someone fix it.
: clueless about that red tag thing you're talking about
: that kind of thing isn't done around here
If you smell gas, you call the gas company. They smell it too, shut down
the gas and red-tag the house until the leak is fixed. This means you may
not enter until it's cleared. Some water companies do this, electrical
contractors, power companies, most any emergency service, even some
contractors and service providers, it's a basic safety thing. My place got
red-tagged while in escrow until the gas company could find a leak their
manometer detected. In your case, you'd call the fire department, they in
turn can call the power company. On the other hand you could turn off the
main breaker on the back of the vacant house.
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