[RFI] Original message and replying

Andy ingraham.ma.ultranet at rcn.com
Fri Jan 20 20:38:45 PST 2012

dalej wrote:
> Actually, top-posting is the preferred method.  ...

I never heard of that proclamation!

As far as this reader is concerned, it is definitely not preferred.

> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posting_style>

While I haven't read it top-to-bottom yet, I don't see anything
standing out that says top-posting is preferred.  Anyway if it did,
it's Wikipedia, guys.  It is someone's opinion and will likely change

For me, English is the language I use, so I read left-to-right, then
top-to-bottom.  So I want to read my emails that way too.  There
should be no need to glance to the bottom of the message or scan down
and up and down to figure out the context of the reply.  It should
state the context first, then add what's new.  Would you put the
Subject at the bottom of the message?

But hey, that is MY preference and it doesn't need to be yours.  But
I'll be damned if someone tells me top-posting is THE preferred

OTOH, top-posting is easier to read if you don't bother to trim your
posts.  Still, two wrongs don't make it right.

Usenet?  What's that?  (He-he, yes I know.  And I used it a little
too.  But I got my habits from email, not Usenet.  Usenet came later.)

I think the reason many people use top-posting, is simply because
that's where email programs position the cursor, and they are too lazy
to (a) trim unnecessary stuff, and (b) move the cursor.  If Microsoft
had put the cursor at the bottom, we might be saying the opposite.

Trimming messages goes without saying.  Just do it ... selectively ... smartly.


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