[RFI] Lightning Protection

Kim Elmore cw_de_n5op at sbcglobal.net
Sun Jul 1 20:39:41 PDT 2012

I'm a research meteorologist at the National Severe Storms Laboratory 
and work with both  Dave Rust and Don MacGorman, both lightning 
physicists there. I asked them about these corona brushes and was 
told that they are ineffective. Once the electric field exceeds about 
50-100 kV per meter, everything -- grass, trees, fences, antennas -- 
are all in corona and the air is about as "saturated" with corona 
ionization as it can get. These corona brushes have no effect, 
especially given that the stepped leader is self-propagating over a 
scale of a 100-200 m, which is about the depth of the corona 
saturation from the surface.

Spend your resources on single point grounds.

Kim N5OP

At 04:34 PM 7/1/2012, K8TB wrote:
>If you believe in static dissipation arrays, you can build your own very
>tom bosscher  k8tb
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