[RFI] In house RFI, but

WX5L wx5l at charter.net
Tue Jun 26 02:14:02 PDT 2012


Circuit 18 may be feeding a doorbell transformer in the attic. Doorbell
transformers have a relay that is designed to open if the transformer
overheats due to internal failure. These relays can develop pitting and arc.
Usually they are sitting on top of a 4 X 4 junction box. If difficult to
find trace back the low voltage wiring from the chime or doorbell button
which will lead you to it.

Also a possibility is a a/c powered ventilator in the attic. The thermostat
has a relay which can also develop pitting.

Good luck,

> Is there any way to track RFI inside the house to a closer location than
using my ham rig with outside antenna?

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