[RFI] 160m ARDF / fox hunt antenna

Stu Phillips stu at ridgelift.com
Fri Nov 30 09:11:01 EST 2012

Try using this configuration but with a capacitor to tune it into a
parallel circuit and then couple it with a HiZ transformer - about 50
turns of 28 ga on a FT50-61 will get you close to a match into 50 ohms.

The secondary is 3-4 turns of 18-20 ga - connect the primary across the
tuned circuit and peak for maximum gain.  Much better gain because you
don't slug the loop with the mismatch - that said, its still benefits from
a pre-ampŠ.

I've used this with tuned loops for DF'ing at many frequencies.  Look at:


All credit to Rick N6RK for this coupling method in print!

Stu K6TU

On 11/30/12 5:50 AM, "K1TTT" <K1TTT at ARRL.NET> wrote:

>I use a simple loop.  A half dozen turns of leftover insulated copperweld
>about 18" in diameter taped to a fiberglass electric fence rod.  Directly
>attach rg-58 or 8x coax and wind as many turns as possible through a big
>ferrite to make a choke for the feedline.  Gives a nice figure 8 pattern
>pretty low sensitivity.  maybe add a preamp for weaker signals?   maybe
>turns would be more efficient?
>David Robbins K1TTT
>e-mail: mailto:k1ttt at arrl.net
>web: http://wiki.k1ttt.net
>AR-Cluster node: 145.69MHz or telnet://k1ttt.net
>-----Original Message-----
>From: N1BUG [mailto:paul at n1bug.com]
>Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 13:27
>To: rfi at contesting.com
>Subject: [RFI] 160m ARDF / fox hunt antenna
>I need a hand held ARDF / fox hunting antenna for 160 meters. It has to be
>small enough to be easily hand carried (preferably for long periods),
>hopefully something I can throw together from assorted bits of junk and
>work acceptably. In other words, I need the impossible? I wish to use this
>with my Alinco DJ-X11T receiver, rather than building a whole receiving
>package. Any plans, links, ideas please?
>Paul N1BUG
>RFI mailing list
>RFI at contesting.com
>RFI mailing list
>RFI at contesting.com

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