[RFI] Here we go again

qrv at kd4e.com qrv at kd4e.com
Tue Sep 4 22:25:47 EDT 2012


	I just posted this to Comments:

	Almost all of these devices generate a ton of radio frequency 
interference – which could block emergency alert radios, irritate local 
CB and Ham operators, and interfere with other devices in your home or 

	This technology has been tried and rejected several times as they turn 
the whole wiring system into a giant antenna – even if new devices 
appear to be RF-clean they often get “dirty” as they age.

	Just something to consider …


> Well here is another PC tech article that is gonna give us fits, again.
> I know this isn't new technology but I understand this newsletter has a
> pretty large following.
> http://techtalk.pcpitstop.com/2012/08/28/powerful-fix-for-weak-wifi-signal/?rankin-wififix=
> Phil


Thanks! & 73, KD4E.com
David Colburn nevils-station.com
I don't google I SEARCH! duckduckgo.com
Network: groups.yahoo.com/group/qrv
Restored to design-spec at Heaven's gate 1Cor15:22

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