[RFI] Noise changes when room lights turn on / off

Tim Duffy K3LR k3lr at k3lr.com
Thu Sep 13 21:56:14 EDT 2012

Hello Tony:

Could your noise problem be related to a dusk to dawn light at your home or
a street light? Or a neighbors outdoor light (only on when it is dark)?

Tim K3LR

-----Original Message-----
From: RFI [mailto:rfi-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Tony
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2012 7:20 PM
To: Rfi List
Subject: Re: [RFI] Noise changes when room lights turn on / off

On 9/12/2012 1:33 AM, Jim Brown wrote:
> This has the potential stink of one or more wiring errors INSIDE your 
> home.


I setup the computer to monitor the noise 24 hours a day. It's been a 
few days now and it's only come on at night between 7:00PM and 7:30PM. 
There is no noise present during the day.

Assuming it is a house wiring problem and not an appliance, what would 
cause it to come on in the evening and stay on till morning? Would 
temperature and humidity cause this?

> Finally, make sure that there's REALLY a ground on the panel where 
> power comes to the building, and that it goes to something going to 
> the earth.  That's another thing that was wrong here. :)

Good advice Jim. The house was built in 1984 and there is a ground rod 
attached to the panel. I'll check the connection tomorrow morning.


Tony -K2MO

If that is the case, what condition would make it so the noise only 
appears at night?
> Look for all the simple dumb mistakes -- outlets wired with phase 
> (hot) and neutral reversed, or with ground (green) and neutral 
> reversed, light switches wired wrong, extra bond(s) between neutral 
> and ground (there must be one, and only one, and it must be in the 
> main panel). It's common for there to be extra bonds in laundry 
> appliances.  Look also for an appliance (or outlet, or even that 
> light) getting power between phase (hot) and Green, rather than 
> between phase and neutral.
> It's a rare building that doesn't have at least one of these problems. 
> The home I bought here in CA had all three.
> Finally, make sure that there's REALLY a ground on the panel where 
> power comes to the building, and that it goes to something going to 
> the earth.  That's another thing that was wrong here. :)
> 73, Jim K9YC
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