[RFI] AM Radio Interference On 75 meters

David Robbins k1ttt at verizon.net
Tue Sep 18 12:54:21 EDT 2012

3960khz is not a harmonic of 1530khz so something else is also happening here.  listen carefully to the kfbk signal and see if there is some other signal mixing with it.  check for other harmonics and other signals that it might be mixing with to end up on 3960...

1530 + 2430khz?
1530*2 + 900khz?
1530*3 - 630khz?
1530 + 2*1215khz? 
5490 - 1530khz?
etc, etc.

Then it must be mixing somewhere.  add lots of attenuation, if the signal suddenly dissappears its mixing in your radio... if not then its likely outside, which you may have already confirmed by using other radios... assuming they aren't overloaded the same way, you don't say how far away you are or how strong the kfbk signal is at your location by itself.  try driving around with a well attenuated mobile radio and see if the signal gets stronger or weaker, is it there a long distance from your home station?   if so it is probalby not being generated near your station.  does it switch pattern or power from day to night and does the signal appear/dissappear at the switch time?   can other hams hear it inside the normal ground wave distance for 3960khz?  can anyone get a bearing on it with a loop or beverages or 4-square??  can anyone hear it farther away at night?  lots of questions... 

Sep 18, 2012 12:09:53 PM, wa6rkn at gmail.com wrote:

Here is the scenario. In the evening, through 6 am, radio station KFBK Sacramento (1530 KHz) *blasts into 75 meters with a 25k wise signal at 3.960. The signal is so stron, SSB conversations on 3.959 are impossible.

Notch and DSP filters in the radio do not work (Icom 757Pro) and other radios set up at that location, either fixed or mobile, suffer the same issue.

Here is are 'RFI present', and 'RFI Absent' Videos to exhibit the problem. 

Interference Present: 

Interference absent:

Any suggestions? Nothing has helped so far...line chokes, coils, Band pass filters, etc.

Definitely a 3rd order harmonic..Radio station is blowing off the complaint, so a formal complaint has been filed with the is so bad, we cannot communicate with the involFCC, but that will umpteen years to get acted upon. (: It is so bad, we cannot communicate with ham involved! 

Thanks in advance for any help and suggestions.

Joe Wolfe

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