[RFI] Per prior EMP discussions - onesecondafter.com

Michael Coslo mjc5 at psu.edu
Sun Apr 7 19:02:41 EDT 2013

On Apr 7, 2013, at 6:44 AM, K1TTT wrote:

> Who doesn't have a receive antenna for emp??  

Oh geesh - I don't...I better get busy putting one up! Anyone have any good designs? 8^)

(apologies all - just trying to inject some levity)

We've already had some emp messes. In the early sixties both the US and Russkies were experimenting with nuc explosions in space. One of these, named Starfish prime, was a device detonated 250 miles up. It packed a surprising EMP punch, and made a bit of a mess in Hawaii, 900 miles away, where street lights were blown out, a Microwave relay station was fried. Apparently a lot of burglar alarms were sensitive to the emp also.

The device also created a radiation belt around the earth, which eventually crippled a lot of satellites seven satellites failed not long after the test, including Telstar.

This was in 1962. Just imagine how many satellites are up there and how much stuff we have today. 

The only saving grace of this sorry situation is that the damage is so widespread and in so many different areas that anyone doing this is going to knock themselves out also. So it's not a great plan in many respects.

Here is a link to Wikipedia's page on the it.


Fully expecting the HIstory channel to make a movie out of this One Second After book. It has about the right amount of end of the worldishness that is popular, and since we didn't all die last December when the Mayan calendar didn't work out for them. Might be a nice change from aliens and guys with weird hair-do's.

-73 de Mike N3LI -

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