[RFI] Autopsy on a Lutron dimmer

Charlie Gallo Charlie at TheGallos.com
Mon Dec 2 07:20:54 EST 2013

On 12/2/2013 Dale wrote:

> RFI Fans and Victims,

> Some weeks back, Jim Brown, K9YC, asked for input on what brand of
> dimmers seemed to create the least amount of RFI.  The consensus,
> supported (in part) by me, was that Lutrons seemed to be pretty
> quiet.  All of my in-service dimmers are Lutron brand.

I have a good friend who used to (a couple of years back) work for Lutron writing software, but over in engineering.  There is/was a known problem with the plastic on the Diva lamps of a certain era, so you might have been able to get a replacement.

That said, he says they are VERY VERY EMI/FRI aware, in BOTH directions (emissions and susceptibility).  Says they have a bunch of RFI carts that are used to both test new designs, AND submit new designs and production samples to RFI!  Says they have gone around the country recording RFI and then submitting their dimmers to recreations, to make sure they hold up.  What he said is they have found that making them not fail to anything they can throw at them tends to also make them very rfi quiet

73 de KG2V - Charles Gallo
Quality Custom Machine-shop work for the radio amateur (sm)

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