[RFI] Autopsy on a Lutron dimmer

xquercus . jeff at mossycup.com
Mon Dec 2 10:52:16 EST 2013

It's good to hear about Dale's autopsy as well as the claim that
Lutron is very "RFI aware".  Just yesterday I purchased a Lutron
TGCL-153PH-IV dimmer and will be installing it sometime this week.  In
my situation, if it's RFI quiet, great -- otherwise I'll just put the
old single pole switch back in.  This seems to be a lower quality
product than the one Dale disassembled.  There are no Torx screws for
disassembly.  The unit is held together by plastic clips which are
each locked closed by crushing a small piece of sheet steel.

When I was at the big box store picking this up over the weekend, I
was thinking about not only RFI but whether or not manufacturers have
made any changes to dimmers in order to make them potentially more
compatible with dimmable CFL and LED bulbs?  With an incandescent
bulb, the output waveform from a dimmer probably doesn't matter much.
I doubt one could tell the difference between an incandescent driven
by a pure sine wave, a square wave (or a triangle wave for that
matter) provided the average power was the same between the waveforms.
 In contrast, I wonder if the circuitry in CFLs and LED lights might
require something more closely resembling a sine wave.  If this were
true, then just designing a dimmer which provides a better quality
output waveform might decrease harmonics.  IDK, just a thought.


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