[RFI] DigiKeyer II

Peter Laws plaws at plaws.net
Thu Dec 19 14:07:01 EST 2013

On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 8:45 AM, Dale J. <dj2001x at comcast.net> wrote:
> As I read it, he's using it as designed, CW and RTTY, but when he went on SSB for the SS contest he had bad set of RFI.  Apparently he's narrowed the culprit down to the DigiKeyer or it's cabling. Is that a fair summary Peter or do I have it wrong?

Yep.  While I believe that it *will* pass audio to the transmitter
even if the audio comes from my mouth and not WinWarbler, that's NOT
what I'm doing.  I'm simply trying to operate 'phone with the DK2
connected.  I assumed (incorrectly) that I could at least use the CI-V
connection by unplugging ACC1 but it turns out it gets the power fro
there and not USB.  But when I remove the ACC1, whether I leave the
Key and CI-V lines connected or not, I get RF on my audio.   Audio
that is being fed directly from the mic to the mic jack.

It's "that time of year", so I've had very little time to play radio
but that all changes tomorrow at 1700 CST. :-)  The plan is to try the
lowered power to see what power level I can "get away with" (if any),
an then I plan to try a different USB cable as someone mentioned.

I do have the 66-page tutorial which, itself, needs a tutorial but
I've only skimmed it.  Someone mentioned the sort of "generic" ferrite
toroid was and I think I will dig around and order some (yes,
expensive in small lots, I know).

Maybe I should go into the ferrite distribution bidness ...


Peter Laws | N5UWY | plaws plaws net | Travel by Train!

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