[RFI] Arc fault protection

Roger (K8RI) k8ri at rogerhalstead.com
Sat Jan 5 16:35:26 EST 2013

On 1/5/2013 12:40 PM, rick darwicki wrote:
> I remember when these first came out, building codes required them on the duplex outlet circuits to bedrooms so electric blankets didn't cause fires. Now a lot of states want them everywhere.
> Typical government/committe expansion of what was originally a good idea (maybe).
> Same with GFICs used to be only in bathrooms, expanded to kitchens near a sink, now ALL countertops with duplex outs in a kitchen need them even if not near the sink.
> GFIs don't need a ground to work, they sense a difference in in/out current. In some older homes people install them in the old two wire dulpex outlets so they have protection and a 3 prong outlet.

"Used to be" with GFIs you only needed one on any given circuit, 
Typically the first one in the line and it would serve for all the other 

Each circuit in our house and my shop are wired like this. doesn't 
matter which outlet gets the ground the entire circuit goes down.


Roger (K8RI)

> Rick, N6PE
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