[RFI] 1.23V-30V DC DC Buck Converter Step Down Module

qrv at kd4e.com qrv at kd4e.com
Sun Jan 6 18:36:29 EST 2013


	I have that covered, thanks.

	This is to supplement and be portable.

	I wish I could say that "a tutorial in power supply filter
design" would equip me but given my fragmented time I'd be lucky to
get through it with adequate comprehension and shocked if I remembered
enough of it to apply when I finally got to that point.

	I'll order a couple of them and see what RFI is generated and
what trial & error means of control are effective ... knowing that
y'all will be here to shake your heads & suggest a different method
when one fails.



> All of that having been said, I'll offer an alternative for home use
> (yes, I know you said home and mobile - well, here's half an idea).
> How about considering an inexpensive LINEAR power supply, all built,
> ready to go, and it supplies something like 4.5V thru 12V filtered,
> regulated DC at 2 amps? If that idea appeals, check out power
> supplies at MCM Electronics.  I've got one of those on my work bench
> for those oddball voltage situations and it's really handy.  Usual
> price is somewhere around $15 and it is all linear - not a switching
> device to be found (except for the power on-off switch, of course!).
> A front panel selector sets the output voltage.
> Good luck with the project.
> 73, Dale Svetanoff, WA9ENA Sr EMC Engineer E-N-A Systems, LLC
> Specializing in shielding applications, system grounding, and
> lightning protection


Thanks! & 73, KD4E.com
David Colburn nevils-station.com
I don't google I SEARCH! duckduckgo.com
Network: groups.yahoo.com/group/qrv
Restored to design-spec at Heaven's gate 1Cor15:22

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