[RFI] Electrical transfomer near shack, a problem?

William Hein bill.aa7xt at gmail.com
Wed Jan 9 22:34:44 EST 2013

I live on 35 acres and have lots of room for towers and antennas.  The location seems pretty quiet so I'm looking forward to some serious antenna building.

In preparation for spring and summer tower and antenna construction I am about to have my electrical utility line put underground.  The electrical utilities here in Glade Park are above ground (telephone service is buried and there is no CATV up here).  The current electrical service line from the transmission line alongside the road runs about 400 feet above ground on poles past my house to a transformer and then doubles back underground about 100 feet to my house.  Unfortunately this line crosses my best tower and antenna locations.

My current plan is to disable and remove the existing above ground and below ground line and replace it with a new line that runs underground 350 feet from my property line in a straight line to a new pad mount step-down transformer outputting 220VAC single phase 200A to my house.  This new transformer will be about 40 feet from shack.  The run from the pad mount transformer to my house service entrance will also be underground.

I will have some antennas, mostly VHF (weak signal, not FM repeaters), near my shack and within 30 or 40 feet on this new transformer.  Should I be concerned about any RFI from the transformer's magnetic fields?  If I locate the transformer further away I will have to use larger gauge wire to the house service entrance.


William Hein, AA7XT

AMSAT Life Member
ARRL Life Member
UKSMG Member

1st W to OH0 QSO on 6m
1st North America to Asia QSO on 60m
Founder of TopBand email reflector

Web   www.AA7XT.com
Tel   +1 (970) 628-5120
Email   Bill.AA7XT at Gmail.com
Loc:  DM59pa
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