[RFI] 9Khz spacing of intermodes carriers interference

AMI SHAMI 4x4dk35 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 20 14:05:09 EST 2013

*Hi all*

* *

*For several years I am suffering from internodes carriers spaced 9 KHz
apart on 160m and 80m.*

*On 80m it starts 0n 3501, 3510, 3519 etc, on 160m 1809, 1818, 1827, 1836,
1845, etc. the one on 1845 is very much stronger that the others, *

*Some are S7 and the stronger can be on some RX ANT S9++.*

*The strength of those carriers is affected by changing the RX ANT and TX

*MY TX ANT is 27m tall vertical as Ground plain with 5 elevated radials 27m
long all standing at 16m high roof and the vertical is self support at a
corner of the roof, *

*The ANT tuner is at the base of the ANT switched from the shack 160/80m.*

*My RX Ant's are flag, diamond, slopper, and small magnetic loop, all
mounted on the same 14x14m flat roof.*

*I found that the strength of those IM carriers is lower when my TX ANT is
set on 160m.*

*In the area are two strong broadcast transmitters, one about 3km away with
about 500kw and another in the opposite direction 7km away of 50kw both AM.*

*I HAVE MANY BCB FILTERS inserted on each RX ANT and at the RX input of my


*It looks like my TX ANT re-transmit those BC stations.*

*Any idea why this 9Khz spacing, and any suggestions what else can help.*

*I am using also MFJ- 1026 noise canceller which helps a little.*

*Another unknown noise source is only on 160m is spaced 1Khz apart much
lower about 2 S units above the basic white noise of the band, *

*These noise peaks are on every half Khz all over the band say 1820.5,
1821.5, 1822.5 etc.*

*This noise is canceled out quite well with the MFJ. *

*Any idea what can be the source of this noise.*

*I know that most of my problems could be easily solved by moving from this
QTH, but any suggestions for this situation.*

* *


* *

*73 Ami 4X4DK*

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