[RFI] RFI on 1.8 mhz

KD7JYK DM09 kd7jyk at earthlink.net
Tue Jan 22 13:18:43 EST 2013

: 90% of teh RFI sources all sound the same...  It has not helped any at
: all for me...  I have sen two of teh same thing, by different makers
: sound different...

I have tracked RFI for quite some time and I disagree.  Most sound different
and a source can be found days week and months sooner by knowing what you
are looking for, just by the sound.  For example, RFI from a computer power
supply sound absolutely nothing like RFI from a power line, single phase is
different than three phase, different from cars, electric signs, cell
phones, another HT in your presence...

Patterns help, if you can see the source, if not, it means little other than
it's something someone has somewhere, which you already know.

Getting out and sniffing around, with whatever you have, HT, portable SW
receiver, car radio, they all work well.  Some things work better, most
things can be found just by proximity.


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