[RFI] re Nineteen Hour Noise

Cortland Richmond ka5s at earthlink.net
Sun Jun 2 07:18:22 EDT 2013

Fliers may not be necessary; I am sure there are some members in law 
enforcement, and as some may even live in your area, your reports here 
may already have been enough for search warrants to be issued. The FCC 
will of course be interested -- eventually -- and between them and the 
DEA your growers may decide to find another place to raise hemp, change 
business, or face lodging in the Gray Bar Hotel.


On 6/1/2013 2034, David Cole wrote:
> We are getting ready to start putting out fliers at the grow light
> shops...  Pointing them at the ARRL web site, and a few others...
> We are taking a log term approach to this...  I want there to be only
> clean grow lights around me, I can't track them all down, so the best
> way is a group effort...

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