[RFI] Rogue beer fridge caught by Telstra 'robot'

David Robbins k1ttt at verizon.net
Tue Jun 4 14:12:48 EDT 2013

that sounds like a nice idea, but is much harder than it sounds.  first, the software would have to know how to sort out the noise from the desired signals.  it would also have to be able to scan wide bandwidths, maybe even outside the range of most hf receivers, just using 3khz wide audio is impossible in many cases... the grow light i found had a fundamental around 100khz with differing amplitude even and odd harmonics to above 4mhz where they started to overlap making an almost continuous noise, video systems could have fundamentals as low as 15khz, and harmonics can cover very wide bandwidths, doing a thorough analysis may require covering a large portion of the spectrum while ignoring many different legal signals.  plus since switching supplies are becoming plugin components there may be many devices using identical supplies and thus creating identical signatures.

Jun 4, 2013 01:32:21 PM, w4byg at att.net wrote:

Interesting article.

As a result a thought: Wouldn't it be great if someone could develop 
software that when the output from your HF receiver is connected to your 
sound card, it could help identify the kind or type of noises received? 
It seems this would help decrease the time it would take to track down 
the source(s).

Ray, W4BYG

On 6/4/2013 7:50 AM, Steve Sacco NN4X wrote:
> Fascinating RFI story from Australia.
> http://www.itnews.com.au/News/345494,rogue-beer-fridge-caught-by-telstra-robot.aspx 
> 73,
> Steve
> NN4X
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