[RFI] Solar power generation

David Robbins k1ttt at verizon.net
Wed Jun 12 07:25:02 EDT 2013

i think battery systems are harder to rfi proof because of the bigger currents involved in charging batteries and running a single large inverter.  be sure to keep loops as small as possible to reduce radiation.  this means keeping the positive and negative wires as close to each other as possible their whole length.  unless you need it for backup power i would recommend micro-inverters, see http://www.k1ttt.net/misc/pv.pdf and look at the company links from http://enlighten.enphaseenergy.com/public/systems/BpbD5251 for more info on those.

there are also many solar installations at or near ham shacks so ask about the specific models of equipment to see if anyone has experience with them.

Jun 11, 2013 09:10:20 PM, kiessig at gmail.com wrote:

I'm thinking about installing a solar power generation system at my home:
solar cells, batteries, inverter and grid-tie.

I'm concerned about possible RFI. Are there certain brands of equipment I
should prefer or avoid? Things I can check before starting with the work to
make sure I don't end up with an RFI nightmare? Or that should be done as
part of the project to minimize RFI of the completed system?

Thanks and 73,


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