[RFI] Cree LED Bulbs?

Mike Ryan mryan001 at tampabay.rr.com
Mon Mar 11 19:52:49 EDT 2013

The landscaping lights turn out to be 12 volt AC powered and not 12 volt DC 
powered.  All the suggestions about a car battery and/or an Astron or other 
linear power supply now go out the window.  -M

-----Original Message----- 
From: Mike Ryan
Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2013 4:48 PM
To: rfi at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] Cree LED Bulbs?

I have a neighbor across the street that just installed a $400+ landscaping
lighting system. These are KILLING me on HF when they turn on at night.  I
even get noise on 220 and 440 FM from them.  We have changed out the power
supplies..no help. I am going to try a CAR BATTERY to see what happens.
That might isolate the problem to the power supply.  But if that doesn't
work, I guess I will have to try some clip of ferrite blocks.  I wonder if
these are the same thing you are working with and if so, what's the fix?
The neighbor has been 'receptive' but I don't want to keep getting in his
face about it until I am on to the fix  - Mike

-----Original Message----- 
From: Aaron Kreider
Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2013 4:32 PM
To: rfi at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] Cree LED Bulbs?

I bought some cheap LED bulbs on ebay which range from bad RFI to
horrible RFI.    So while they were cheap (maybe as low as $6), I
recommend staying away from Ebay. They also produce less light than
advertized (the 9 watt bulbs were dimmer than the 7 watt ones I got at
Lowes).  The quality control was terrible.


On 3/10/2013 4:01 PM, Eric Rosenberg wrote:
> Is anyone familiar withthe LED light bulbs made by Cree (www.cree.com)
> They look nice and are half the price of the competition.
> They are available from Home Depot, on-line only through the end of this 
> month, and then in the stores.
> I'm (obviously) interested in whether they generate rfi/noise!
> 73,
> Eric W3DQ
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