[RFI] "Fake" power supplies

Michael Coslo mjc5 at psu.edu
Thu Mar 14 18:48:55 EDT 2013

> A point to keep in mind is that reputable product manufacturers may very well be selling products that are powered by garbage like what is discussed in this article.  (Note the comments about fake UL and FCC labels.)  If they do not conduct full EMC tests on the selected product (and most probably will not), then the only way that a bad choice in power supply vendor will be known is when someone who is sensitive to RFI issues gets burned and yells, a lot.

Yell loud and long. Another little trick is Ebay feedback. That's where a lot of the fakes come from, and a lot of those same fakes might be in stores. And the sellers are exquisitely sensitive to feedback. Even more so to a polite letter to Ebay. Suspension of their accounts is the worst possible thing that could happen to them. Anyone who suspects finds and reports a fake UL sticker will earn Ebay's sin bin, due to liability issues. 

You might look at this as similar to Amateurs helping to police the illegal radios at truck stops a few years back.

	- Mike -

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