[RFI] wireless weather stations interference?

Gary Smith wa6fgi at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 19 13:34:03 EDT 2013

My P-3 is less than 6 inches from the indoor console, it nudges up 
against the case of the AL-82.  Never so much as  a blink from the 
display, when the amp is in use.  Even on ten meters, too.


On 3/19/2013 8:45 AM, dalej wrote:
> I have the Pro 2 and have not noticed any RFI from it.  It sits on top of my ham gear.
> Dale, k9vuj
> On 19, Mar 2013, at 8:43, Jorge Diez - CX6VM <cx6vm.jorge at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello
>> I going to try a Davis Weather Station and is nice to know that are wireless
>> versions for both Pro2 and Vantage Vue
>> Anyone tried one of this, wireless, that can give me any feedback if there´s
>> some interference for the HF ham station?
>> Thanks,
>> Jorge
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