[RFI] CO2 detectors and RFI

dalej dj2001x at comcast.net
Wed Oct 23 17:10:36 EDT 2013

Just a heads up.  

I purchased a Kidde NightHawk CO2 detector model KN-COP-DP-LS, it is designed to plug into a wall outlet plus it has a 9 v. battery backup and LED readout.  While transmitting on 80 meters after a while it starts audible warning, very loud.  I called the company tech support line and they did not have any solution.  As an experiment I plugged the detector into a two wire extension cord and wrapped the extension around a #31 mix snap-on, then tested and it did not go off.  The tech support said not to use an extension cable with the detector.  

So if you are looking for a CO2 detector be aware of this problem with 80 meter RFI tripping the detector.  I went to strictly battery powered CO2 detector and that works fine.  

Dale, k9vuj

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