[RFI] RFI-ing myself

Charlie Gallo Charlie at TheGallos.com
Mon Sep 30 13:28:45 EDT 2013

On 9/30/2013 Jim Brown wrote:

> On 9/30/2013 6:53 AM, Charlie Gallo wrote:
>> IF I pull the cable from the Airport, there is no problem (so it isn't the stereo picking it up),

> Not necessarily.  EVERY cable is an antenna.  I would not rule out the
> stereo until I'd tried a "dummy" connector in the line between the 
> Airport and the stereo.  

You missed, or I miss wrote - I pulled the cable from the airport, but LEFT it on the stereo - no problem then 

> Bill Whitlock developed the idea of a "dummy"
> -- it's a male/female connector combo wired so that the shields carry 
> through but the signal conductors do not. That preserves the "antenna"
> path, but breaks the audio path, so you can figure out which box is 
> detecting the RF.

>> and there are LOTS of reports of Airports picking up even FM broadcast.  I'm thinking of the bucket, but would need to fins something else that would do the job.  Any ideas how to suppress this thing?  I'm betting there is some sort of DC>daylight audio response that can be bypassed or something

> Do you also have a choke on the power cable to the Airport?

It looks like a wall wart - plugs right into the outlet

> What is the source of "music" to the system?  A computer?  Anything that
> has wires attached?

WiFi signal - the AirPort is a WiFi router that has an audio out and CAN hook to eithernet and USB, but I have nothing attached to either of those

> You didn't say what transmitter frequencies are being detected.

Well, so far, we can say 80,40,20,17,15,12 and 10 - aka every band I work

> 73, Jim K9YC

73 de KG2V - Charles Gallo
Quality Custom Machine-shop work for the radio amateur (sm)

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