Dale J.
dj2001x at comcast.net
Thu Apr 24 15:07:47 EDT 2014
Keep us posted on your exploits. As I write, I'm watching the plasma next door on my P3 scope. I't pulsing slowly up and down with what looks like modulated minor pulses up and down the band. It's really something to see this garbage on a spectrum scope. Suddenly it stopped for a few seconds, then started up again.
Dale, k9vuj
On 24, Apr 2014, at 13:31, Joe - W7RKN <w7rkn.7 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Turned on the radio this morning and what did I hear on 75 meters??!!...PLASMA TV INTERFERENCE!!
> Have no idea what neighbor has it...
> But....
> I took care of it!
> For my morning chat session on 3959, I cranked up junior..RMS'ing 1300 watts..
> After about 5 minutes of this, all was quiet. Guess I will have to start up my erradication campaign again....
> Funny thing is...I **never** get into my own TV's...Telephones and sub woofers, Now that's another story....
> <<<EVIL GRIN>>>
> Joe - W7RKN
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