[RFI] My local noise - another report.

Kenneth G. Gordon kgordon2006 at frontier.com
Fri Apr 25 20:41:58 EDT 2014

Today, still frustrated as heck, I decided to scan the frequencies to see 
if this noise of mine would peak somewhere: tuning DOWN below 3575 did 
not show a peak, and furthermore the noise level got LOWER. On 160 
meters, it is about S-8.

However, tuning UP in frequency, the noise level slowly rose until at 
exactly 4286 KHz AM, 6 KHz IF bandwidth, I hit a peak of 25 db over S-9 
and a VERY odd sounding, motor-like noise.

I have made a 30 to 45 second recording of it, which I can view in 
Windows Media Player, if anyone would like to hear this crap.

Tomorrow, Saturday, I hope to be able to go on another hunting 

Gee.... I am NOT pleased... :-(


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