[RFI] LED Bulbs

Mike Ryan mryan001 at tampabay.rr.com
Mon Feb 10 19:48:10 EST 2014

On Dimmers....

I remodeled the kitchen in my house this past summer. I was particularly 
careful to STAY AWAY from LED lights.  I have halogen lamps overhead and 
under the cabinets and as well as inside those cabinets with glass fronts. 
They are ALL on dimmers. IKEA sells a dimmer that I used for the INSIDE the 
cabinet 'puck' lights...no troubles with them. All other dimmers and there 
are four, are LUTRON dimmers sold by Home Depot. I have had no issues with 
any of these. I think they retailed for about $29 each.  -Mike

-----Original Message----- 
From: Alan NV8A
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 2:34 PM
To: rfi at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] LED Bulbs

Perhaps it is not "energy-saving" dimmers in general that are RFI
generators but simply the particular ones you used.


Alan NV8A

On 02/10/14 02:01 pm, w6rgs at cox.net wrote:

> When we completely rewired our home last year, state code required that
> we use "energy saving" lights and dimmers. Our hall dimmer/light
> combination gave off horrible RFI. After the final inspection, the
> dimmer was replaced with a regular on/off switch and the RFI vanished.
> No problem with the LED lights that stayed. But, our government (state,
> federal, local) knows what is best for us, here in the Land of the Free.
> At 10:48 AM 2/10/2014, David C. Hallam wrote:
>> I may have made an unwarranted conclusion, but I assumed the LED were
>> substituted for halogen without any other changes. I will see if I can
>> get a clarification on that point. Would a change in bulb types make
>> any difference in the RFI being generated?
>> David
>> KW4DH
>> On 2/10/2014 1:14 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
>>> On 2/10/2014 11:07 AM, Dave Cole wrote:
>>>> Who would have thought the LED's could radiate so far?
>>> It's not the LEDs, it's the wires (antennas) connected to the
>>> switching power supply for the LEDs. This should come as no surprise
>>> to any ham -- switching power supplies are generators of RF trash,
>>> that puts RF current on those wires, and like any other antenna,
>>> those wires radiate the trash.
>>> Thank you VERY much for posting details of part numbers and vendors
>>> for the bad products.
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