[RFI] LED Bulbs

Kim Elmore cw_de_n5op at sbcglobal.net
Wed Feb 12 08:23:49 EST 2014

As long as no one complained, yes.

Almost everything we have, from airplanes to radios to medical devices are certified by the manufacturer to meet whatever regulatory requirements are imposed. Our system of enforcement is fundamentally complaint based. 

Until a non-compliant piece of equipment is brought to the FCC's attention, nothing is done. So, your neighbors get to keep their noisy TV until either *you* convince them that it's not in their best interests to keep it or *you* and your fellow hams push the issue to the level of an enforcement action. 

Kim N5OP

"People that make music together cannot be enemies, at least as long as the music lasts." -- Paul Hindemith

> On Feb 12, 2014, at 7:04, "Dale J." <dj2001x at comcast.net> wrote:
> Hi David,
> Theft is a different situation.  
> I say that potential radiators should be tested, like they test amplifiers before they are released for sale.  None of that's done, no oversight.  We have LED lights now that generate RFI.  If these same LED lights were knocking out TV's how long do you think they'd allow that to go on?
> 73
> Dale, K9VUJ
>> On 12, Feb 2014, at 6:50, David Robbins <k1ttt at verizon.net> wrote:
>> well, if your neighbor was stealing gas from your car would you report it to the police???  or would you expect them to be checking the level in your tank for you every day to see if some was missing?  if your neighbor was running nightly parties that kept you awake would you confront them about it?  if they didn't stop would you call the police??  or would you expect police to be checking for all noise in the neighborhood to stop at a 9pm curfew???  if you saw your neighbor dealing drugs out of his house would you report it to police or just assume that they will eventually figure out that something was going on and catch them without your help??
>> If you don't inform your neighbor that their tv is causing interference (preferably the first week then have it) and coach them to return it to the manufacturer as a defective device for violating part 15 or 97 or whatever it might be, who will??  if they don't then fix it, and you don't report it to the fcc, then who will??  The fcc, like the local police, can't be everywhere all the time to find intermittent local interference sources.  they are busy enough trying to take care of those who do file complaints without going around looking for more work.
>> Feb 12, 2014 05:12:16 AM, dj2001x at comcast.net wrote:
>> With all the regulations "since 1920's", why then am I still plagued with a plasma TV next door?? Eight years it's been. 
>> Am I the responsible person to go to my next door neighbors, inform them they have an illegal TV and demand they get rid of it?? 
>> Kurt, respectfully, you can cite all the rules and regulation etc you want, but the fact of the matter is, we are not protected. They import (or build it in country) this junk that causes interference and nothing is being done about it, unless I do it myself demanding they get rid of the noise maker, plasma TV and light dimmers. I ain't gonna do that. I guess I could relocate as many have already done, being driven away from man made noise.
>> It's not my job to enforce those regulations, the government entity that is supposed to oversee, don't. 
>> If these devices don't fall under the part 15 or whatever part, then why aren't new regulations made that do? It's still up to the government regulate these interference making devices, but…..here we are, light dimmers, plasma tvs, fish tank heaters, dog water dish heaters, hot tub equipment etc. It's continued to be mfg, sold and used. Now we have to watch out for the LED lights they'll be in your neighborhood soon. 
>> No oversight, no protection. 
>> 73
>> Dale, k9vuj
>>> On 11, Feb 2014, at 22:17, "KD7JYK DM09" wrote:
>>> : Nothing. I guess the rules don't provide us any protection from this
>>> junk.
>>> When did this mentality take hold? We've been protected from interference
>>> since the 1920's. Does anyone bother to familiarize themselves with the
>>> rules (actually, Code Of Federal Regulations, Telecommunications) any more?
>>> Do you want every POS ever made removed, or just the one, MAYBE two units 
>>> you actually hear that is affecting you?
>>> Start with CFR 47, Part 97, so you know who you are and what rights and 
>>> privileges your license offers you, then, check out CFR 47, Part 15 and 18 
>>> for all the stuff that's not permitted to interfere with you and what steps 
>>> everyone else must take to rectify it. In your research, you will also find 
>>> copies of notices referring to interference caused to other, letters of 
>>> forfeiture (fines), some in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and even 
>>> notices to cease all operation, all due to interference to "amateur" radio.
>>> Kurt
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