[RFI] FW: Low Band Interference Report (non-ham radio reports)

David Robbins k1ttt at verizon.net
Tue Jul 8 12:34:13 EDT 2014

that may not only occur in fluorescent ballasts.  I bought 2 LED bulbs, no-name Chinese made, one was marked 90-240v, the other marked just 120v.  the wide voltage one threw hash everywhere, the 120v one I can't hear on anything.

Jul 8, 2014 12:07:12 PM, eedwards at oppd.com wrote:

From: PrivateWirelessForum at yahoogroups.com
Subject: (PWF) Low Band Interference Report

NY DOT reports they have been experiencing severe interference issues with their low band radios and have found the culprit to be high efficiency fluorescent ballasts. They have narrowed it down to the ballasts that are commercial grade and that operate at multiple voltages (120-277V). The ballasts that had that operated strictly on 120V did not cause issues. They believe it comes from the switching power supply that allows for multi-voltage use and they have tested ballasts that are single voltage (120V) and they do not cause harmful interference. NTDOT has contacted a few manufacturers (Sylvania, Philips, GE) and they have stated that they have heard of very few interference issues and they are trying to consolidate product and stop manufacturing single voltage ballasts. The noise can be as high as -80 dbm from 30-80Mhz. The manufacturers state that these ballasts meet FCC Part 18 rules (Industrial and commercial). NYDOT would like the other low band users out there to be 
aware of this.

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