[RFI] Non-RF sensitive hardwired smoke/fire alarms?
w5jr.mike at gmail.com
Fri Jul 11 18:04:05 EDT 2014
I have a wired First Alert smoke and carbon monoxide unit (SC9120B) in the stair well outside the ham shack. At 50w and above on just about all bands 160-10, it goes off. The other non First Alert units on the alarm system over in the main part of the house are I effect even at 1500w. This is a new house, so looks like I will be changing it out for the Kidde model!!
Mike / W5JR
> On Jul 9, 2014, at 11:25 PM, Kelly Johnson <n6kj.kelly at gmail.com> wrote:
> I would also be interested to hear about others' experience with hardwired
> smoke/fire/CO2 detectors. Building codes now require new construction to
> have hardwired/interconnected smoke detectors. I read lots of horror
> stories about hardwired smoke detectors on the web. All of the ionization
> type smoke detectors and CO2 detectors in my house have no RFI/EMI
> problems, but both of the photoelectric fire detectors chirp when I run
> QRO. I have to pull out the battery when I run QRO. That wouldn't be so
> easy with a hardwired detector, so I'd like to know how to avoid problems.
> Will ferrite beads on the leads be sufficient? Are there brands that are
> known to be less problematic?
>> On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 10:20 PM, Kelly Johnson <n6kj.kelly at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am looking for high efficiency lighting (CFL/LED) for a new kitchen, but
>> I don't want an increase in RFI as a result. Building codes now require at
>> least 50% of the wattage in the kitchen to be from high efficiency (ie.
>> non-incandescent) lighting. No, I don't want to install high efficiency
>> stuff and then replace it after the inspector leaves.
>> I read the Oct 2013 QST article on this topic and it basically suggests
>> that most name-brand LED lights with FCC approvals will probably be ok, but
>> it's a bit of a gamble. They suggest trying various brands, etc.
>> Since this is a brand new kitchen, I may have more options than just
>> looking for low-RFI bulbs. All of the electrical will be getting done from
>> scratch. Are there things others have done in their new construction to
>> use high efficiency lighting without an increase in RFI? I'm looking for
>> known solutions. I'm looking for people that have actually installed
>> things that work.
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