[RFI] Power line RFI and Southern California Edison

David Harmon k6xyz at sbcglobal.net
Sun Jul 20 23:32:30 EDT 2014

Hello Dana.....
Having worked for decades with a California utility company......the magic
word(s) are California PUC.

The PUC sets the rates for all utilities in Calif and as such....has a lot
of traction.
As previously mentioned....document the noisy poles, all contacts with
Edison....all names, all comments as to what they are going to do and when.
If you do not get some action within a month or so.....
Contact the PUC and you'll get fixed up soon.
In fact....you might mention that if nothing happens your intention is to
contact the PUC and that might do it right then and there.
Just let them know that you are in the know as to what you need to do to get

Let us know how you get on.


David Harmon
Sperry, OK

-----Original Message-----
From: RFI [mailto:rfi-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Dana Roode
Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2014 8:08 PM
To: rfi at contesting.com
Cc: Dana Roode
Subject: [RFI] Power line RFI and Southern California Edison


Its been awhile since I reported my power line noise out at my station near
Victorville, Ca.  We are served by Southern California Edison (SCE); I
reported issues back in 2007/8 and they had come out to look for problems
some of which they found and fixed.  The noise has gotten worse since then
but I've been busy and didn't report it again until a few weeks ago.  They
didn't act too concerned, seemed like radio interference was a very low
priority to them.  Since I've tracked down some of the noise myself I told
the dispatcher I had information to share if the engineers could call me.
 No calls.

At any rate, I'll have to call again.

I am writing to see if anyone has recent experience working with SCE on
power line noise and has any suggestions on how to get their help.  Years
ago they had an engineer named Larry Johnson who worked for them; he was
pretty helpful.  He may be gone.

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