[RFI] ARRL to FCC...

David Cole dave at nk7z.net
Wed Jul 23 23:04:37 EDT 2014

Hi Peter,
Thanks for the suggestion, but alas, no go here...  Growing is allowed
because of the Medical laws, it allows growing in any area, any zone.
Our only recourse out this way is locate and turn into the FCC...  

The locate aspect is normally not a huge issue, and pretty easy, but
there is a single RFI source out here, in our area, that is wiping out
several square miles, and at least 5 Amateur Operators are having major
RFI issues...  

The problem is the geography where we are...  The RFI source is on the
side of a very steep hill, about halfway up a 1500 foot hill, looking
down into our valley.  Roads are not straight, the hill is almost a 45
slope, but is fully built as a neighborhood, getting out to take a
bearing puts the antenna looking into a hill side, etc...  

I have gotten pretty good a locating, and can find an RFI source in very
short order 90% of the time.  In fact the last time I was out on a look
it was at the request of our power company...  Took 5 minutes to
locate...  This site however, is really difficult to locate, and I have
been trying for two years.  The problem is that the RFI hits the power
grid, and then gets sprayed everywhere, but the power lines are
underground, so it comes out only at the the transformer vaults...  We
know the location to something like 250 yards, but it is on that hill...
45 degree slope, underground power, and a few houses with driveways 100
feet long, and reasonably dense overgrowth between homes make it a real
tough locate.  

The RFI source is killing 40 in a area approaching several square miles,
and 80 about half that, and 10 over S9 right now at my home, 1/2 mile
from the source.  The poor ham that lives next to it is getting 40 to 60
over S9, every night, all night.starting at 7:33 PM local time.  

We are very close, but because we are unable to pin it to a house, we
have not been able to get the FCC involved...  I filed a complaint with
the FCC using their web page, but have heard nothing back.  We simply
have to locate it to a house to get the FCC involved.

I bought some new attenuators coax inserts, and built a switchable one
as well for the antennas...  New loops and new 135 MHz Yagi antenna are
almost finished...  This year we find the house, and turn it in...  

Thanks and 73's,
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On Wed, 2014-07-23 at 15:53 -0500, Peter Laws wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 3:40 PM, David Cole <dave at nk7z.net> wrote:
> > Ed,
> >
> > As an aside--
> >
> > We in the "legal grow" states thank you, and the ARRL for testing and
> > reporting those offending lights!  Here is an example as to why your
> > tests will help...
> >
> > It is a real mess in my local area right now-- as soon as one grow
> > operation gets quiet, another starts making RFI...  There is one RFI
> > source that has been going on now for three years, and is 60 over S9 at
> Before, the whole business was illegal so there were other considerations.
> Now the product itself is legal but I'll bet your local zoning code
> does not provide for houses being converted to greenhouses (it's
> lights, I know) as an acceptable use.
> You should probably figure out which zone the properties in question
> are located in and then see if operating a, um, uh, horticulture
> business is even legal.

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