[RFI] Another possible problem?

Kenneth G. Gordon kgordon2006 at frontier.com
Wed Jul 30 11:15:08 EDT 2014

So....I read in this morning's local rag that Pullman, Washington, 7 miles 
west of here, is part of a pilot program to have 150 of its street lights 
replaced with a "new prototype LED"  unit, and is one of a few such cities in 
Washington state in which this is going to be done.

On the basis of a photo in the local rag, the number 59 is prominently 
displayed on the light.

The "local" power company, Avista Corp, is footing much of the bill, $250K, 
although the state of Washington is apparently also going to be involved.

Supposedly, these new lights use 45% of the energy of the old sodium-vapor 
lamps, last 15 years, or three times as long, and output a whiter, brighter 

Might anyone here know whether or not these things have been tested for 
RFI output, and what was the result?

Suspicious minds need to know...and pretty soon too...

Perhaps I should have said, "EXTREMELY suspicious minds..." :-(

We, here in Moscow, Idaho, are still fighting the 10 to 20DB over S-9 noise 
level I mentioned a few months ago. Not much progress yet.


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