[RFI] Another possible problem?

CR ka5s at earthlink.net
Thu Jul 31 09:03:15 EDT 2014

On 7/30/2014 6:41 PM, n0tt1 at juno.com wrote:
> I would*suggest*  a registered letter be sent to whoever is
> in charge and address your (and other local hams!) concerns
> regarding the possible RFI.   Do get their reply in writing even if
> some calls you on the phone and basically says "not to worry"!
> CC the newpaper and even the local radio & TV stations.

A local hotel, part of a major chain, is upgrading its lobby to a color 
LED wall with computer controlled effects.

I posted a comment to the newspaper article online suggesting that the 
city FD and PD check to make sure their VHF high-band rados can stil 
communcate inside (or even nearby) when the LED's are running.

Stay "tuna'd".


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