[RFI] Utility coming tomorrow to chase RFI

N1BUG paul at n1bug.com
Sat Jun 7 07:01:28 EDT 2014

Thanks Don. That sounds very good. That is what I would expect and 
would like to find in a wide range receiver. I already have a 
modified MFJ-856 so I have the aircraft band covered. There are 
times I really need UHF for power line noise hunting. HF and SSB/CW 
reception would be a big bonus for other types of RFI work.

Paul N1BUG

On 06/06/2014 09:17 AM, Don Kirk wrote:
> HI Paul,
> Here is a link to a youtube recording of what I hear on 136 MHZ AM
> using a small handheld scanner (Radio Shack Pro-94) that has the AM
> aircraft band when listening to power line noise (in this example I
> have a 20 db attenuator in line with the antenna).
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrXQXkl3Zos
> While this is not a ham radio HT, it does provide an example of what
> I hear using this particular model of a handheld VHF receiver.
> Don

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