[RFI] Utility coming tomorrow to chase RFI

qrv at kd4e.com qrv at kd4e.com
Sat Jun 7 16:07:59 EDT 2014


	How is the AM sensitivity Low-VHF and up?

	Any AGC or other insummountable fixed settings that
might make it a poor choice for RFI-hunting?

Thanks - David KD4E

> Don,
> The VX-3R has an HF sensitivity of 3 uV on AM which is equivalent to an
> S-5 signal.  Couple that with the reduced antenna factor of a portable
> antenna, you might not be able to hear anything but very strong RFI.
> Tom   W0IVJ
> On 6/7/2014 1:16 PM, ac2ev wrote:
>> Does anybody have settings that work for the Yaesu VX-3R. It's all
>> mode receive and can use either the built in bar antenna or external
>> in AM but so far I can't get it to hear the RFI in the noise.
>> 73
>> AC2EV - Don


David Colburn, KD4E - Nevils, Georgia USA

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