[RFI] Looking for 40 meter RX

David Cole dave at nk7z.net
Mon Jun 16 09:20:01 EDT 2014


I am looking for a 40 meter receiver, that has a real S meter in it, not
a digital readout, is portable, and does AM.  It is for a project I am
working on for RFI mapping.  Anyone have something like that for sale? 

I am looking for something that it stable, i.e. If I take it to a
location and put it in the same RF field, using a fixed antenna, like a
screwdriver on my truck, I get close to the same S meter readings over

I am currently looking at a Ramsey kit, but the one I am looking at is
not quite right...  An old Ten-Tech, etc... Something that, and that is
decent, but portable, built for QRP would be perfect.  My TH-F6 would be
perfect if I could get to the S meter values on it.

Anyway, if you have something like that for sale, or know of one for
sale, please write me off list with the information.  Thanks!

Thanks and 73's,
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