[RFI] Subject: Re: Recommended Handheld VHF-UHF Yagi?

CR ka5s at earthlink.net
Fri Jun 20 10:36:45 EDT 2014

On 6/17/2014 10:35 PM, Kimo C Chun wrote:
>   If you're looking for log periodic yagi
> that covers amateur frequencies I just happened to pick up a QST, June
> 2013, pg. 56 "Short Takes" column by Steve Ford, WB8IMY. There, he reviewed
> a hand held VHF/UHF Log Periodic Yagi from Elk Antennas, model 2M/440L5.
I have two of them, my intention being to mount them broadside, 
replacing a TV antenna  I don't use for 2 and 440.  It's on the to-do list.

Thing is, an LPDA pattern can be quite wide, as is a short yagi's. You 
need a long yagi to pinpoint soucces.


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