[RFI] Subject: Re: Recommended Handheld VHF-UHF Yagi?

qrv at kd4e.com qrv at kd4e.com
Mon Jun 23 14:44:05 EDT 2014

OK, good point.

Is there any advantage to a simple yagi, quagi, quad, delta loop, or
circular element beam - or will all perform about the same?

Each form factor has an impact on convenience; e.g. weight, ease of
maneuverability, broadbandedness, matching system, etc.

Thanks -  David KD4E

> There are disadvantages in using too high a frequency in trying to
> locate RFI sources. The RFI signal does not travel as far at UHF as it
> does in the VHF range.
> The power lines here are at the back of property lots about 150 ft. from
> the streets.  One time I was able to pick up an RFI noise from the
> street with my HB 3 element yagi and and an aircraft monitor receiver
> operating on about 135 Mhz. The power co. guy could not hear the noise
> with his multi element yagi and commercial equipment from the street
> operating in the UHF range of about 300 or 400 Mhz. Only when he walked
> to the back of the property and got within about 50 ft. of the source
> could he pick up the could he pick up the signal.
> Don


David Colburn, KD4E - Nevils, Georgia USA

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